Thursday, August 26, 2010

Motion Blur

It was my first time being this successful at a light trail shot because the shots always turn out somewhat blurry (coz I didn't have my tripod with me). I'm very happy with how this shot turned out because I didn't use a tripod here as well! Just very fortunate that the overhead bridge on which I was standing on had double railings, so I could just rest my camera on them. This was taken at a shutter speed of 30 seconds - something that couldn't be accomplished using merely hands.

Testing out motion blur @ NUS in boyfriend's car. I saw a similar image online and thought I might just give it a try. If you look closer at the side mirror, you might even notice me trying to get out of the shot as much as possible! But I do think this shot is kinda underexposed, huh?

Saw a similar image online and wanted to try something like it out. Unfortunately, the results was quite disappointing (even though I really do like the way the street lights were being captured) because the foreground is shaky.
Besides, it would have looked way much cooler if it were at night. I tried some shots out at night, but were unable to reproduce a similar motion blur result.

This was really just another surprise moment. I was actually just taking notice of this pretty bird resting on a branch, then it just suddenly took off and started to 'hover' at flowers. I was blessed enough to capture the moment. This was my first shot at something like this but I do admit that it could have been better angle-wise.

After taking all the motion blur shots above, I remembered that I had wanted to do a shot whereby the movement is generated from my camera alone. Hence this picture (of a chair at home).

This was also one of my first attempts at light graffiti after being inspired by some of the awesome works I had seen online so far. I had tried drawing like a stick figure sitting on the bed but it was a drawing that proved to be too hard for me at this time, so I resorted to just drawing simple star instead. It's challenging because I couldn't remember where I had drawn the different stick body parts.


  1. Hi Carol,

    Beautiful slow shutter / motion blur photos there!

    Just a thought (no ill-intentions) - You could consider a neutral density filter to lengthen the shutter exposure for the day shots :-)

    Out of curiosity, are you into strobist / flash photography? I like the last photograph!

  2. hello! :) hey ya i've read about those density filters before but I'm not sure how they work. And they're quite pricey too is it? I can't remember.

    actually will a polarizing filter suffice?

  3. oh.. I actually don't own a flash (but I might soon!) so I don't know if I'm into it yet, but I suppose I would be!

    I just thought light graffiti's quite interesting because I've seen some awesome works before and I thought I should just try something out. ^^ glad you liked it! :D:D
