This shot was actually taken from Assignment A1 which I thought would fit the requirements for Assignment A2 better. I hope it makes for an interesting composition here and I'll most probably be using this shot for my final submission.
This was shot using a 28mm, f/2.8 lens.

A shot of a flower against the new Alumni house. I like it that the pool is being blurred here - which is because of the distance from the pool itself to this flower (which was actually situated on the slope of the entrance of the carpark to COM1) - learnt it during class regarding the factors that contribute to a shallow depth of field. This shot is also another of my consideration for my final submission.

Context will be the same as above. Just that it's probably 'messier' than the shot above. Besides, I had wanted to have the flowers in focus too, but in this shot, only the leaves are clearest, so I'm not entirely satisfied with this shot.

This is one of my favourite 'accidental' shots! It was taken in the Singapore Zoo and I was fortunate enough to see a live squirrel! I kept telling myself that I NEED TO SNAP A SHOT! But taking pictures of squirrels proved to be extremely challenging because they simply just MOVE SO FAST! I couldn't get my focus to stay on it even while I'm using AF Sensor mode (by the way, I've never used that mode before, so I guess with practice, I'll be able to master it).
So this is a shot of a squirrel that 'ran out of focus'. But it's still kinda cute, don't you think? I showed my mom the picture and she oggled at it for a while. After that, she told me, "But it would be better if the focus was on the squirrel." I agreed with all my heart.

Just a shot that I was trying out. However, it's a little boring (although there are color contrasts) and the colored leaves seem to be in 'middle-ground' instead of foreground (which is also blurred).

Some figurines in the Singapore Zoo. Not entirely fantastic huh? But it was just something that I didn't mind snapping, just for the fun of it.

I definitely do like this shot as I was trying to allow the shot to at least be in context. However, I didn't get much critique on this piece. I suppose it would work better if there were indeed some silhouettes of animals in the background.

Just trying to play around with lines and depth of field.

This was a gift from my boyfriend. I was about to eat it because I would feel terrible if they rotted if left to 'keep' or 'admire' for too long (they were simply too beautiful to be allowed to be eaten!). So I had to at least take a shot of them right? I went and whipped out my 500D and 50mm f/1.8 lens and took this. Probably the composition isn't that fantastic and I know the lighting could have been way better. But I do hope I have managed to capture at least the texture and form of the macarones... haha sound familiar?)
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