Saturday, August 21, 2010


Yellow and Gray. Wanted to use this for "Texture", but realised that the colors are more apparent here.

Haha. Another illegal shot because it's shot indoors. But I like the vibrant colors here.

Some block thingy found in Engineering. Maybe it's the remains of a rag day float.

Colorful mural at Architecture.

I've seriously never noticed the different colours of the colums at Arts corridor. It was only when I was thinking about this assignment that I realised it. And I told myself, "I have to get it on camera!" Had to take this at two different timings because previously, the corridor was too crowded and the people in the shot actually distracted the eye from the colors.

I was considering to use this corridor shot for my final submission, but my friends during the critique session said that the curves and lines were more apparent in the picture. And besides, the colors here were not very vibrant.

So, I resolved to continue observing and experimenting! :)

I hadn't wanted to take flower shots because I think this subject is overused. However, in NUS, it was easiest to just take flowers for "color". Anyway, this shot is similar yet different given that although it's still a shot of flora and fauna, the color contrast was contributed by a fallen petal instead of a flower.

I guess I can say that this is my favourite color shot. It's a picture of a drain at COM1. Believe me, I had hesitated whether or not to take this picture coz it does look kinda gross, but I told myself that I had to get over it and take a good shot of it. Experimented with different aperture and angles and finally got this decent shot. :)
Ended up being lunch for a lot of mosquitoes too. T-T

Cars at the carpark at COM1.

Road at COM1 carpark.

Yeap. Another flower shot. I took this because I was surprised that this flower was actually a hybrid (I think), given that the surrounding flowers were only yellow OR red OR orange. And I thought it's pretty cute to have a mosquito there too.

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